
Unify all your actionable


Never miss any eventEver.

Work any issueOnce.

We love efficiency.

You will too.

Automated alert management centralizes and correlates actionable alerts to detect security events better and reduce time taken to close an issue, thereby improving operational efficiency.


AlertFusion is a unique centralized alert management solution that complements existing technologies, unifies alerts from all sources, automatically correlates between all actionable alerts and finally eliminates all recurring alerts. This enables security analysts to cut down on all the noise and focus only on the critical alerts that matter.

AlertFusion complements existing technology landscapes and offers Enterprises and MSSPs a centralized security alert management solution that ensures organisations see a unified big picture view of all actionable alerts and also helps eliminate all repetitive work. We offer enterprises and MSSPs flexible automation, retention of critical knowledge and automated reports, all within one simple, highly scalable, out-of-the-box solution.

AlertFusion centralizes alerts, eliminates rework and retains valuable technical knowledge; helping security analysts be more productive, the security operations centre more effective and managers better informed with automated and insightful reports, all within one simple, highly scalable, out-of-the-box solution.


AlertFusion: Next-Gen Alert Operations Platform

The industry’s first and unique centralized alert operations solution to enhance visibility, operational efficiency and incident response times


case management

Alerts from individuals, multiple customers or teams, captured via phone calls, emails or tools are centralized and viewed on real-time AlertFusion dashboards.  Analysts are no longer required to login to multiple security operations management tools saving significant time.



Leverage the fully-customisable AlertFusion framework to create automations that are unique to your organisation’s operational requirements for alert management.


ticket management

AlertFusion makes critical incident management more efficient by centralizing multiple ticketing systems into a single view. Using bi-directional integration, all ticketing systems are updated and in-sync for opening, tracking, updating and closing tickets.

Knowledge retention

and management

AlertFusion’s centralized alert management system retains a historical database of all previously processed alerts. As new alerts come into AlertFusion, we automatically correlate the new alert with our historical database for smarter decisions based on the logged historical actions.

Real-time dashboards

and automated reports

Multiple real-time dashboards help visualise the key relevant metrics for executives, security managers and analysts based on organisational requirements. Automated reports are available to all stakeholders.

Supercharge your Operations

In simplest terms, use AlertFusion to automate and centralize alert management, enhance visibility of security incident management, streamline your operational management efficiency and accelerate your incident response time.

Eliminate rework

AlertFusion helps to eliminate rework on all repetitive alerts

Scale with ease

Scales to multiple operational processes helping eliminate the high costs for SOAR and SIEM licenses

Unify operations

Unifies the entire security operations center landscape

Knowledge retention

Through the retention of alert remediation knowledge, eliminates alert rework

Improve ROI

Increases operational efficiency and drives higher ROI from all technology investments

The economy of an alert.



alert management

Alert Capture

Centralize alert capture from phone calls, emails and tools bi-directionally.

Alert Validation

Automatically eliminate repetitive alerts. Visualise the larger picture with real-time intelligence on linked alerts. Enhance analyst productivity by 40%.

Alert Investigation & Triage

Automate contextual information related to the alert and orchestrate response actions. Collaborate with teams across the organisation to manage alerts, better and faster.

Alert Tracking & Closure

Integrate with ITSM systems bi-directionally. Automate ticket opening, tracking and closure.

Alert Reporting

Leverage 360 degree, real-time dashboards and automate reporting. Fix problems as they appear with real-time dashboards and reports available for different stakeholders in the organisation.

Platform Architecture & Design Features

  • Flexible software platform, available for both on-premise and cloud infrastructure.
  • Supports bi-directional integration from multiple SIEMs, SOAR, GRC and ITSM solutions.
  • Robust access control to enable permissions controls and role-based access. Role-based access can be provided to ensure customer data fencing as well as data compliance in SOC.
  • Multi-team capability for enterprises and multi-customer capability for MSSPs.
  • Integrates with multiple sources of truth repositories to automatically enrich contextual data.
  • Standard as well as customizable reports can be created. Reports can be scheduled, downloaded and shared with stakeholders. New report templates can also be created as per business requirements


Improving the operational efficiency of our customers


Orchestrates and coordinates between all operational functions



Orchestrate and coordinate security functions and information flow



A centralized hub tasked with continuously monitoring and improving security



Specialized services for providing security-as-a-service offerings for their customers



The continuous process of identifying, classifying, prioritizing, remediating and mitigating software vulnerabilities



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It’s time to take charge of your operations.

AlertFusion gives you a ready-made platform that solves your operational problems related to alert management. Enhance operational efficiency and effectiveness of your security operations center teams.

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